
Showing posts from October, 2019


I had a situation where I lost all my friends because my best friends girl, who was also a good friend of mine, persistently offered it on a golden platter. I was single, she was hot and there's only so many times I could say no. It happened one drunken night. vibrators There are variations on the classic ball gag that are similar to pacifiers and much more comfortable for the gagged player. On the other end of the spectrum there are gags that are akin to horse bits, which can be very brutal for the wearer (but that is usually the objective). Truly effective gag use is gradually achieved; inexperienced wearers will have to find a breathing technique that works for them. vibrators women sexy toys Circlejerks about Russia, China, America, about cheap vibrators fat people, "cringe" people, dumb people, about rich people with lack of morals or poor people with lack of hard work it all just people thinking they better than others. wholesale sex toys It the first evolution